Chow Concrete / A Short Film

The North Beach Skatepark in Durban, South Africa has become increasingly more important as a cultural meeting spot for young people and has evolved into a space where art and creativity flourish in the city. In the years following the pandemic it has been challenging for artists to connect with one another due to a lack of meeting spaces and insufficient funding.

Type of project: Competition

Year: 2024

Funding: Centre for Integrated and Transdisciplinary Teaching in Planning (SITRAP)

Location: Durban, South-Africa

Mentions: Bygg & Anlegg March 2024

Photo:Wanele Zungu

Photo:Wanele Zungu

Photo:Wanele Zungu

Photo:Wanele Zungu

In collaboration with artists and skaters we have produced a short film that offers insight into the creative community in Durban. The short film was made in collaboration with H1dd3en Junk, a creative collective based in the city. The aim of the short film was to shed light on how this skatepark has become a central gathering place in the city, and how skateboarding as a sport has become an important identity marker for many. The short film features portrait interviews with skaters, artists, and performers. They share their relationship with the park and their roles in Durban’s creative art scene.

The project was funded by the Centre for Integrated and Transdisciplinary Teaching in Planning (SITRAP). After the production of the film we arranged an event at a venue in Oslo. At this event we were given the opportunity to showcase the film as well as exhibit artworks and music from some of the local artists, photographers and performers. The aim of the project was to create a bridge between the South African and Norwegian art scene. 


Breathe Inside, Breathe Outside, Oslo


The Cathedral of Hope, Fredrikstad